
Hello World!

I’m Des, a 27 year old New Yorker who works in the big city but dreams for a simpler life…

I’m a daughter, a sister, a friend, a coworker, and a wife. I have a role to play depending on the people I’m with at the time, but when I am alone, I often find myself wondering who I see myself as. Who am I when no one is expecting anything from me? While these moments of solitude are rare, they are still there and it does make make me think that I need to be better, for myself. I spend most of my days and time trying to be the person everyone around me expects me to be. But I need to take time for me. I need to be better for me. I need to live my life the way I want to live it, for me.  So here I am, looking inside of myself, and finding the things that make me happy.


5 thoughts on “About

  1. HI, Dex! Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post on how much should you exercise as well as the one on smart coffee drinking. Kudos on your positive reaction to your ability to add weight. Great example of taking lemons and making lemonade. You have excellent goals, too. You don’t need to get skinny, just healthy. That may be substance over form, I don’t know. Anyway, excellent decision. Keep up the good work!

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  2. Hey girlie ! Thanks for liking my post ! I’m struggling the same … It was so easy before to loose weight and stay skinny with little effort. Now I have to do the whole 100% to stay fit and look how I would like to look. Keep up the good work ! (:

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